Art and Science

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Art and Science, in this way the worm will warm up in the heat of the soil. It will position itself into a door even so if there is one. The nine amount of the Sun will shine through for the worm, if the art is soil then it will win, the worm needs to know their eyes to eat food. As if the core is the planet earth then it will come along.

The Sun is a bitch to heat the soil, even though if there is one then it becomes nine. The store of the market needs to know what comes along, the Sun bitch itself into hate and thereafter. The worm needs to know the stars and which one is which to have art. The core is nine as in this way it worms out. The soil of this planet is needed to know that the door will strike the path of 82. In this art the worm needs to know how to fly above the sky and to have strict rules to perform the network of one. If the core is old half of the planet will need the yellow bit to have as it will strict the rules, and to have this one the nouns is “a”.

To transform this the core will strict the rules to have one but in time it will sing. The long road of the artificial intelligent will work out the door 10 and to have this the core has a 9 amount to shine through. This was born after math to position itself into hate, if the door is 9 then it will sing. The left side of me is broken to stricture the rules. The math of 5 a is the position of timer for the Galaxy and to widen apart from it.

The Sun is the best shots as it has ray ban, the more there is the more it will be strong. In this way the worm needs to know. The under part of the ancestors will grade to 5 b and to become 9 2 8. In the Sun it mass itself into productivity to line up into the rays and in time it will sing. This has no way in to control the worm so I hope there’s nice warm weather for the worm as it will be in the soil.


Sole trader, self employed and self taught from the year 1994-till now days . Digital Artist.

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