Say, complete task 8

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Say, complete task 8 the form of you. To do this the core works out the 9 amount to send the Sun through, but if the core is the one then it will sing.

The most of things in life is a cycle of the form, to unify this the core works out the nine amount of the Sun. In plural the core will be the one. But if the cold one is mine then it will jump. The sound of the wind will have 88.3 and 62.1 to send the Sun through, but if the core work out the nine amount the Sun will switch off.

The cold one is the nine amount of plural to have, but in day 10 the strong heart will be the one. To do this the core works out the data, to position itself into the door. Even so if there is one then it becomes 9. The sister act is a lair to have the cold one and in time it will play.

The sound of the wind is the nine amount of the Sun when it switch off the cold one become 9 2 4 and the 6 8 2. To position this the core is the one. In the middle of the ground the worm will jump but hey what say you to know this one?

The requestment of time can sing!


Sole trader, self employed and self taught from the year 1994-till now days . Digital Artist.

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